I am a 34-year-old, married and I got 5 inch penis. Somehow, my size varies, it depends on erection quality so some day it might be 5 inches and my good day would be 5.3 inches. The problem is my wife doesn’t seem to enjoy sex. Is it because of my penis size? How can I satisfy her or how could I get bigger?
First of all, do not ashamed of your size. You can satisfy your woman even if you’re smaller than 5″ erect. In this article I will change your point of view forever.
Did you know that from one of the research, the average length of penis size around the world is around 5.5 inches erect and that the girth is around 4.8?
Because of our difference in genetics, penis size varies. Roughly it mainly depends on which country you live. For example, Asian, the average penis size is smaller but there are tons of sexual organ that you can stimulate to get better sex life aside from using your penis. You can use your fingers, tongue, toys to make your partner has an unforgettable night with you. Human biggest sex organ is brain and everything that you feel comes from it. Be it the feeling horny, sexual imagination, all the chemicals rushing through your body. And yes, it’s the brain that orders you to orgasm. So this is not directly related to your 5 inch penis. Sure, having 6 inch penis or more can stimulate vagina better since it has more surface area to hit inside, but is doesn’t mean you should feel bad about yourself if you don’t have one.
There are many ways of getting a bigger penis and a few more inches are very possible. There are mainly 2 systems for penis enlargement device. One is penis pump, which one of the best out there is Bathmate Hydromax. Another one is penis extender which I recommend Phallosan, SizeGenetics or Penimaster PRO. Or if you are on a low budget you can try jelqing exercise which is totally free and requires only your time to invest. If you’re running on low budget but want something that actually works then I suggest my PE holy grail to you.
Remember, they don’t all want a huge penis.
Different chicks wants different things. This is the same for us men, some of us like huge asses, some love big tits and some want Asians. This is personal needs and you should not spend any more time being ashamed of your current size, you should however, spending time fixing this problem if you really need to. There are a lot of women who will just love you for who you are , don’t worry too much about it.
As for myself. I did penis enlargement when I had 5 inch penis because of I felt insecure in the past and there is nothing wrong with it too, I guess. Besides, after I tried jelqing, I became a bit addicted and when I let my wife know about it, she seems to be enjoying it more. Please remember also that this is very personal issue that you and your couple need to discuss openly.
Don’t get too large though if you don’t want to have these problems:
- Condoms don’t fit
- Your penis dunks in the toilet water when sitting
- Women are afraid to have sex with you
If you’re fine with all these then I would say good luck on your penis enlargement journey.